
@Michael-GG Hi Michael I been having issues with putting all this surfaces together in dynamo to do a isometric pattern on it. I have try the multisurface technic from Patterning across multiple surfaces video and is not working either. I have also tried geometry.import from sat, I have also tried list and flatten, also polysurface/ by joint surfaces and nothing could get me close to starting to placed the pattern or been able to create a pattern to do what I need to do.
Here I am attaching the wire file, which include the shape of the pattern, surface to be apply onto…also I would like to fade it toward the edges?
I just need to get some pointers how to even start this or if it’s even possible.
Also it would be cool if their is a node to create isometric shapes in dynamo like the shape I have.

Here is an image that I did on conform rig in alias, so you could have an idea of what I’m trying to do?

Surface.wire (4.8 MB)

@napoleon.matheus you need to be able to build your pattern based on curves. If you can do that, the approach is the following:

  1. Install the package Multi Surface Patterning in Dynamo.
  2. In Alias, Create a guide curve along your surfaces, where you want to create the pattern.
  3. Use one of the nodes of the package Multi Surface Patterning to build sections on your surfaces, by giving it the surfaces, the guide curve, and the amount of sections wanted.
  4. Build your cubes (or whatever) based on those sections.
    Be aware though that your sections don’t overlap at some point:
    Section-Generator.dyn (11.7 KB)

GG.wire (4.8 MB)
At some point in the future I want to create a generic example, but I currently don’t have the time for that.
Hope this helps,

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Thx Michael, will try that.