Placing various structural frames in curves written in Excel

This topic is a continuation of the following topics.

I made a curve with Excel and placed various structural families on it using the Familytype.byname node.

but some families are disappeared,

and someone are rotated…

what did I do wrong…?

Tunnel Structural Framings_V.0.0.10 By Jicaprio_Import Families by path that their length has defined by Excel.dyn (293.1 KB)

Can you provide the excel data and the family you’re using. Spending hours recreating your work so we can help you solve your problem is counter productive.

Thank you very much for your reply.

I thought that Excel and family files were too large to upload. But it was not.

I will upload the Excel files with the families.

As much as you have helped me, I hope someday I will be able to help someone in this forum.

Thank you very much again and again


2019년 3월 5일 (화) 오전 12:27, JacobSmall via Dynamo dynamobim@discoursemail.com님이 작성:

Civil Report_안성방향 V0.0.11.xlsx (413 KB)

Hi Jacob.
I deeply appreciate that you have seriously reviewed my topic.
Since I uploaded the topic, I’ve tried many different ways.
I tried to use adaptivecomponent.bypoins and cheked excel files and family files…
but I could not make any progress…
It’s been over a month since I started Dynamo, but I have not been able to solve anything yet.

Could you please let me know if you find any problems…?