Hi all,
I have been replicating a script created by @AussieBIMGuru which reads a clash report from Navisworks (Excel format), uses the coordinates of the clashes and places an adaptive component at that poin in the model. This is the script for reference. Navisworks Clashes to Revit using Dynamo! - YouTube
Everything seems to work fine, except for the distance and what seems to be an error on the modelling area.
I have the Dynamo setting adjusted to Extra Large as shown
The issue for me is that this building is one of 10, located on the same site and they all refer back to a common reference (Survey Point), so some of the project base points for these buildings will be a large distance from this common point.
So, is there anyway that I can get around this warning? Any help would be appreciated.
When i have tris problem i get the lowest X and Y values and translate the Project Base Point to these Coordinates, then all my Geometry is close to the Project Base Point and you can use the Medium setting as the modelling range without errors.
This is a good solution to this, but in some cases this is a warning which can be ignored after a complete review (project by project basis). We need more info to know that info though.
It’s also important to note that Revit’s Project Base point and Internal Origin both have no concerns with the survey point which is what should be used to coordinate the 10 buildings on the site in most cases. This allows you to design computationally relative to the known internal origin of the project you’re working from.
Even if you’re using MM for a building or site design (something we can all debate the merits of with some fika some day when the pandemic is over), 100,000,000 units is about the length of the English channel. Worth considering the reliability of a single PBP for anything of that scope, as GPS accuracy in the US was limited within 715mm 95% of the time in 2016 (last year I could find data for in 2 minutes of googling). This means that 5% of the time it was off by more then that - and even 715mm is too much to build off of.