I have a simple drawing list created in excel that contains 3 columns (Sheet Number, Sheet Name, View Name).
So far I’ve been able to get Dynamo to create the sheets from the excel file (all thanks to previous posts on the subject matter).
If I use a View node (and specifically select the view that needs to be placed on a particular sheet) I can get Dynamo to place that view on the correct sheet.
Unfortunately getting the view name from excel does not work. I assume because the data coming in from excel is just a string and not tied to any specific view.
I’ve been trying to find a node or procedure to compare the list of views in the project file to the list of views in my excel file. And then build a list of Revit views based on that result.
I was able to eventually figure out a solution using the Dispatch node from Archi-lab. So thank you Konrad!
below is a capture of my setup in case anyone else has been trying to figure this out. If anyone has anything to add to make this more efficient or robust please feel free to chime in.
My next step is to incorporate mulitple views per sheet, and check to see if a sheet has been created already or not.
Good job on making it work, however I’m not sure if dispatch is the right tool for the situation. For fetching the views, you might want to try something along the lines of this instead :
Excuse me, I should have better explained my intent. I shuffled the list purely for demonstration purposes . Imagine that the shuffled list is your excel output and your desired order of views does not match the output of the “Get All Views” node. If you use “Dispatch”, your excel order will be ignored and you will get the wrong views on your new sheets.
I’m not sure if “IndexOf” and “List.GetItemAtIndex” are the best solution either, but they’ll at least make sure that your custom order of views is preserved. Hope that clears things up.
Could you share the error message that pops up? Also what kind of views are you trying to place on the sheet? (architectural plans, drafting views, etc. )
It looks like your view is too big and can not fit on the sheet. You could try switching to a smaller view scale. (if your plan is 1:100, try 1:150 instead)
You where right it was to big cause of a section. so now they are on the sheet, but all on one sheet. It sieems like i dosn’t look correctly on the excel sheet?
plus they are placed outside of the sheet. Is there a way to definde the start location on a sheet?
For some reason, I can’t see the image of this script for placing views on sheets.
Could you please upload a blown up image again, so I can understand your workflow ?
Hi Dimitar,
I as well am looking for a script that is doing just this. I have tried to recreate multiple times but to no avail. Can you please repost the image of this script?