Place adaptive component on points from curve

I am trying to place a simple two point adaptive component family on points that are extracted from a Revit model. I can get the points and pair them up correctly in the list structure, but when I run it with the Adaptive component I get the spinning donut of death and it can seem to place the adaptive components on the points.

The AdaptiveComponent.ByPoints node worked like a charm for me

Make sure your Family can be placed manually with the matching number of points.

I have been using the adaptive component manually so I know it works with the two points. What does your input into the Adaptive Component Node look like?

IIRC, it was a list of pairs of points in sub lists.

If the list structures in your graph is something like this, it should work.

If it doesn’t work then you mostly haven’t grouped your points properly or there is either a problem with your Adaptive component.

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My list looks exactly like yours.

I found that the problem is with Revit 2015 or at least my Revit 2015 installation. I ran some tests in Revit 2016 on another project and it worked.

Can anyone expand this one to work on multiple unconnected lines?

Hi Kim

I would start a new thread rather than adding onto this old one.

But it is the same principle i.e pairs of points


I see it’s an old topic, but it might still help someone. I’ve just had the same issue on Revit 2021, also with the list set properly, as shown in Vikram’s post. Solved it by using AdaptiveComponent.ByParametersOnCurveReference instead. Check the screenshot:

You just need to create ModelCurve from the points and get it’s Reference :wink:


Ended up using this method as well to follow PEX tubing and worked great, thanks for updating the thread!

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