Pipe Fittings by MEPOver

Dear all,

Can you help me figure out why the pipe fittings between these 4 pipes are not created.
I use “meters” as the project units. Only, the diameter is in millimeters.

The “MEPFitting.ByMEPCurves” returns “null” values.

Best regards,

Hi there, which Revit do you use for this script? Probably in Rvt 2025 MEPower package won’t work. If that’s the case, try OpenMep.

If it’s Revit 2024, or earlier
Please make sure if your pipe type, which you’re using, have set up routing preferences (elbows, tees, transitions etc.). And make sure diameters in routing preferenses cover DN 20 mm size.

Also it will be useful to see a screenshot of pipes, which are created on previous step.

Hi Andriy,
I am using DYNAMO v.3.3.0 and Revit 2025.
I was also thinking that MEPOver was not working for Revit 2025.
However, as indicated by Nick_Boyts in my previous email, it actually works for Revit 2025.
I tried this with simple coordinates (e.g. 10, 20, 30) and the creation of pipes and pipe fittings worked using MEPOver.
However, with these strange coordinates it is not for some reason. As you can see the pipes have the same start and finish coordinates.

yeah both should work… MEPFitting.ByMEPCurves imo this way isnt so stable, depends which order the node get,try pair them up instead, sure if elbow. and use elbow by.mep.curves…something here i mean…


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Have you confirmed that each of those pairings of pipes would intersect on the same plane? Can you pull out the python block from the custom node and run that to see what errors you get?

Dear Nick and Sovitek, thank you.
Actually I have no problem with this kind of straight pipes. Pipe and pipe-fitting by MEPOver works.

However, for the pipes in my scene, which are all located in different planes in 3D space, there is a problem for some reason.
These pipes have the same start and end coordinate points. Isn’t this enough to make the connection via a fitting?

I am not so familiar in using Python in Dynamo yet. So I am not sure what to do related to your suggestion (“pull out the python block from the custom node and run that”).

allright,Sorry then im not sure what the issue is…arhh now i think i understand…you have curve over eachother, just try translate to the right position . but not really sure

Can you share DYN file?

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The custom node is suppressing any warnings or errors you may be getting. Double-click (or right-click, Edit Custom Node) to edit the custom node. It’s just a python node with inputs and outputs. You can copy the python node back into your graph workspace and connect it like normal. When you run the graph with the python node it will return any errors that you may be getting.

Dear all,
I have identified the error via the method suggested by Nick_Boyts.
Basically, the fittings cannot be created as the angle between the pipes are too small (or too large).
What would be your computational suggestion here? If angle < something (?) → do something?
Please find the Dynamo here.
4Pipes.dyn (79.6 KB)

P.S. To put it in the context, these pipes are located in a metro tunnel where there is a slight change in 3 dimensions.

You’d likely have to do that sort of check.

What is the angle in terms of degrees? How are your connections configured for the system type?