Dear all,
I would like to explore the use of Pipe.ByLines provided by MEPover.
I have created a simple scene containing two lines. When I connect the list of lines to the “Pipe.ByLines” node, Revit freezes and does not return. What could be the reason for this?
I am using DYNAMO v.3.3.0 and Revit 2025.
My units at Revit side is meters. What unit is used at the Dynamo side?
Also, how do I make sure that I use a specific pipe segment (e.g. PVC Sch-40) at the Dynamo scene?
not sure mepover will work in 25…guess its build for ironpython 2.7…but openmep have some similar nodes for that and should work in 25…but try copy the python from mepover to canvas and connect and set python engine and see what kind of warning you get…if any
Dear Sovitek and all,
MEPOver is not working in Revit 2025.4. Revit freezes.
So, I switched to OpenMEP as you suggested. It is not working for Revit 2025.4. The OpenMEP addon does not appear in the packages list of Dynamo.
Therefore, I had to switch to Revit 2024.3
Here, Revit freezes again when I connect the “Pipe System Types” node to Pipe.CreateByLine.
Is there again an ironpython problem?
The MEPover Pipe.ByLines node works for me in 2025 with all the correct inputs. Can you make sure you have the latest version of the package (and IronPython) installed and try again in Manual mode?