Periodic curve sent from Dynamo to Alias comes back to alias as non periodic

A periodic curve in Dynamo sent to alias is no longer periodic. Can this bug please be fixed?

@fredsimon I do see the issue, and have spoken with a developer about it. While I do get that this is a bug, can you please let me know why this is crucial for your data exchange between Alias and Dynamo? I’m asking because I would like to understand the deeper reason for the relevance of this information, because geometrically spoken, the shape is the same?

Hi GG -
Great question!
Periodic curves and surfaces are an integral part of my Industrial design sculpting workflow. For me sculping surfaces is all about managing specific CV locations to achieve the geometric form I need. A periodic will have less total CVs and therefor less CV locations to manage. Additionally all CVs of a periodic have an equal influence (pull). There will never be any lack of position, tangency, curvature, or flow across a boundary because there are no boundaries, (in the direction of periodicity). The example above with a periodic circle is merely a very simple example in order to illustrate the issue. If you wish I can go into more detail about my Alias workflow developed over the past 3 decades as an alias sculptor (starting on Alias version 3 in the early 90’s) but I will include here an image of a few examples of periodics that I create on a regular basis. I have only recently started writing Dynamo scripts and I see the incredible powerful potential! Without clean periodics from Dynamo to Alias however, this potential is severely impaired. Thanks for your support! All the best- Fred



Thanks, Fred! It might sound silly, but for us it helps a lot to understand why certain things are important, to be able to prioritize our resources the right way. I have logged ALSO-7737 for this, we will look into it!

Hi GG -
Congratulations on the launch of 2024!!
Wow.! I’ve only taken a peek, but it looks like a ton of great stuff in there; including lots of Dynamo updates.
Is there any news regarding my Periodic/non-periodic issue?

Thanks, Fred! :slight_smile:
While 2024.0 does not contain a fix, we are currently actively working on this. A developer is having discussions with a partner team how to best fix it. So no worries, it’s not “forgotten” or ignored, I can assure you that!