Hi Dynamo community!
I’m new to Dynamo for Alias and I’m trying to create an array of circles across multiple surfaces that are coming from Alias. This is the result I’m seeing and I think the multiple surface normals are causing the issue, so I tried using a polysurface (ByJoinedSurfaces) as the input but I could not obtain the normal vector needed for the circles. My final goal is to try and replace the circles with another object input from Alias.
Thanks in advance for any help.
Kind regards,
Look into the pattern toolkit package as a start. 
Thanks Jacob,
Yes, I did have a look at that and it works for very basic patterns but I can’t seem to get it to create what I am after on more complex surfaces from Alias.
Do you have a few examples of where you struggled?
Thanks again for getting back to me,
Attached is a simple example with hexagons. What I would like to achieve is to first: scale each of the hexagons (so their boundaries are not touching) and then add an influencer point to modify the scale of the hexagons depending on their distance from that point. Does that make sense?
Hi Jacob,
Just to add to my previous email, I’ve been trying to cover a simple surface with circles and then scale them based on the ‘Distance to Geometry’ node. In my mind, this layout should work but the software just sits calculating forever, before the attached error shows in the image. I can’t exit Dynamo and end up killing the software and then Alias crashes. Can you please explain if the sequence I have here is correct. Thank you so much for your help. I’ve been watching tutorials and trying to follow the instructions and as soon as I have one nailed, I’m sure a lot will become clearer - hopefully!
Kind regards,
you have a cycle in this graph - ie the input of the Circle is dependent on the output of GeometryDistanceTo - but GeometryDistanceTo is dependent on the circle - this will not work.
instead of using the circle as the input to the Geometry.DistanceTo node - use the center points instead.
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Thanks Michael; works great now! Is there a quick way to now replace each circle with a 2D curve or 3D object from Alias? I will give it a try.
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