OOTB Read Excel not working on my machine

So on other users machines. the out of the box read excel node works fine. But for me its not. The Bumble bee node for read excel works fine for me though. Any suggestions how to fix or anyone familiar with this? thinking i might need a dynamo reinstall but checking if anyone knows any other fixes.

Out the box node

Bumble bee node

Likely an office update broke your excel registry. Try using Excel’s online repair tool to fix it. This is a well known issue.

thanks. will try now (assuming IT have given me the permissions to touch it).

Any idea how just my machine broke but not others? our updates are all rolled out office wide at the same time.

Let’s just say that MS office is so interconnected and complex that effectively there is ZERO chance of an office installation being consistent on all systems in an environment with more than one system.

Microsoft for the win