So I am following breadcrumbs down a rabbit hole here. Found something posted by @jostein_olsen on his twitter feed. Will update as soon as I have time to test.
mesh toolkit nodes return a different type of mesh than the built in nodes -make sure to use mesh toolkit nodes to get triangles… you can try converting from the imported mesh toolkit mesh to a dynamo mesh (the builtin mesh type) and then using DirectShape.byMesh
You generally have two options. You can either get a native mesh with “Springs.ToolkitMeshToMesh”(faster) and then create a directshape, or extract the triangles, make a unified polysurface and create a “FamilyInstance.ByGeometry”:
If you go with the native mesh route, keep in mind that if your mesh is too complex ( ie it’s a group of meshes or has many voids/openings), the conversion might fail because Dynamo’s native meshes are very limited.
Attempting to make a solid out of a mesh with many triangles is usually not a good idea.
So I thought I’d post an update to my question. First off, my *.obj files were way too dense to import into revit. So I am using a work around using Meshlab server and converting the .obj’s into *.dxf files.
Here is a link to the batch conversion script I found for Meshlab Server.
So this leads me to my next set of questions;
Can I automate the import process of the dxf files?
If yes how do I rotate the files by 90 degrees on the X axis?