Hi, could anyone help me to solve the impossibility of importing the mesh into Revit.
I utilized the dynamo to import the mesh surface to Revit. The geometry can be watched in Dynamo, yet it cannot be loaded in Revit. I have tried “directshape” and “familyinstance” , but both of them cannot work.
@Marcel_Rijsmus Dear Marcel Rijsmus,
Thanks for the timely reply.
I have tried it in the conceptual mass family, yet it comes to the same warnings. I utilizied several obj files (including stanford_bunny_tri), and it always went to failure.
It works for the closed .obj mesh file, yet it fails for the un-closed mesh. The reason seems there is no solid generated by joining the surfaces. I hope I make the problem clear.
@Ren_Rainville Thanks for the suggestion.
It seems to be developed for Rhino 3DM files. My dataset is obj mesh for point cloud, so I am not sure whether it is all right.
I would like to try to use it, and I hope a surprise.
Don’t use the springs node for importing meshes, it’s better suited for parametric surfaces and solids that you’d get from a .sat file or from the built in geometry. Instead use the built in DirectShape.ByMesh node - it uses Revit’s tessellated shape builder, which is naturally suited for meshes:
And I also tried to combine the mesh to solid geometry. It worked well for the closing mesh (stanfort_buddy), yet it does not support my mesh file (stairs), block_mesh.dyn (11.4 KB)
Thanks for the reply. The mesh is not closed. So I have thought DirectShape would work for it.
I followed the steps as Dimitar’s method, but it failed with the warning for both the closed stanford_buddy mesh and my unclosed mesh.
I am really confused and welcomed to your suggestions.
Dear Vikram,
Thanks very much for the wonderful job. It looks perfect. But I occurred a similar warning in the node “DirectShape.byMesh”, which came to NULL as the method of @Dimitar_Venkov. I guess the problem maybe lies in my software. I am just trying to re-install Revit, Dynamo, and the packages.
Thanks again and you really helped me a lot.
Dear Dimitar,
Thanks very much for your nodes and help.
Sorry to disturb you again. I followed the process, yet DirectShape.ByMesh always failed with the warning.
I am facing the same warning. The MeshtoTkMesh node from springs is giving null output that is causing the DirectShape.ByMesh node throw the warning. I guess it cannot deal with large number of meshes.
Note that you’re using the wrong node - “Mesh.ToTkMesh”. We actually want to go the other way around because we already have a toolkit mesh and want to convert it to a native dynamo mesh. Therefore you need to use the “TkMesh.ToMesh” node instead:
Note that the model you’re trying to use has a lot of triangles that are bunched up near the tips, so I had to first use the remesh node and then the reduce node and manually adjust the target triangle count. I also had to scale it up by 10 units because the overall size was too small for Revit.