I’ve been working in a DYN file.
My brain was nearing a meltdown and I needed a break.
When I came back to Dynamo and opened the saved DYN file…
There are nodes and wires missing.
Completely gone.
Thanks for the path, sir.
Good to know that’s there.
There was a file, but sadly, it was toasted, too.
Nodes and wires missing…at random?..I’m not sure.
The first two nodes Categories and Get All Elements of Categories were gone.
And then several big chunks in the middle…can’t recall exactly what nodes.
I’m gonna create another file with simple nodes to see if this consistent.
The DYN in question is attached.
This is what I see immediately upon opening.
I haven’t touched anything else.
Dynamo log started 2018-06-06 22:08:18Z
Requesting version update info…
Dynamo – Build
Duplicate migration type registered for SunPathDirection
Dynamo will use the package manager server at : https://www.dynamopackages.com
DynamoPackageManager (id: FCABC211-D56B-4109-AF18-F434DFE48139) extension is added
Backup files timer is started with an interval of 60000 milliseconds
SYSTEM:Environment Path:C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Revit 2019\AddIns\SteelConnections;C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Revit 2019\en-US;C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Revit 2019;C:\WINDOWS\system32;C:\WINDOWS;C:\WINDOWS\System32\Wbem;C:\WINDOWS\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0;C:\Program Files\Common Files\Autodesk Shared;C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\120\Tools\Binn;C:\WINDOWS\System32\OpenSSH;C:\Program Files\Citrix\Citrix Files;C:\Users\ben.TBAHQ\AppData\Local\Microsoft\WindowsApps;;C:\Program Files\Dynamo\Dynamo Core\2;C:\Program Files\Dynamo\Dynamo Core\2
RENDER : Rendering Tier: 2
RENDER : Pixel Shader 3 Supported: True
RENDER : Pixel Shader 4 Supported: False
RENDER : Software Effect Rendering Supported: True
RENDER : Maximum hardware texture size: 8192,8192
RENDER : Rendering Tier: 2
RENDER : Pixel Shader 3 Supported: True
RENDER : Pixel Shader 4 Supported: False
RENDER : Software Effect Rendering Supported: True
RENDER : Maximum hardware texture size: 8192,8192
DynamoManipulationExtension (id: 58B0496A-E3F8-43D9-86D2-94823D1D0F98) view extension is added
LibraryUI (id: 85941358-5525-4FF4-8D61-6CA831F122AB) view extension is added
NotificationsExtension (id: ef6cd025-514f-44cd-b6b1-69d9f5cce004) view extension is added
PackageManagerViewExtension (id: 100f5ec3-fde7-4205-80a7-c968b3a5a27b) view extension is added
Welcome to Dynamo!
00:00:00.2285962 elapsed for loading Dynamo main window.
WPF Render Mode: SoftwareOnly
Dynamo is up to date.
Loading node definition for “Dynamo.CustomNodeInfo” from: C:\Users\ben.TBAHQ\AppData\Roaming\Dynamo\Dynamo Revit\2.0\packages\Join.Geometry\dyf\Join.Geometry.dyf
Original file ‘Join.Geometry.dyf’ gets backed up at ‘C:\Users\ben.TBAHQ\AppData\Roaming\Dynamo\Dynamo Revit\2.0\packages\Join.Geometry\dyf\backup\Join.Geometry.dyf.19.backup’
connector 0f98316e-7f5e-47de-90c7-5e45476921b9 could not be created, start or end port does not exist
connector ba511a8f-9944-426f-8a03-56c0f34bed02 could not be created, start or end port does not exist
Active view is now {3D}
This graph has a nodeview with id:0fce0af3-9929-479c-a5ef-6aee67b44b6e and name:Categories, but does not contain a matching nodeModel
This graph has a nodeview with id:9f82b8ed-d983-4bd7-a7f7-1f051dac7489 and name:All Elements of Category, but does not contain a matching nodeModel
this is the important bit:
connector 0f98316e-7f5e-47de-90c7-5e45476921b9 could not be created, start or end port does not exist
connector ba511a8f-9944-426f-8a03-56c0f34bed02 could not be created, start or end port does not exist
Active view is now {3D}
This graph has a nodeview with id:0fce0af3-9929-479c-a5ef-6aee67b44b6e and name:Categories, but does not contain a matching nodeModel
This graph has a nodeview with id:9f82b8ed-d983-4bd7-a7f7-1f051dac7489 and name:All Elements of Category, but does not contain a matching nodeModel
Is this the Revit.Categories dropdown node or from a package?
For some reason these nodes are failing to be loaded. Have you tried removing all packages and looking at the notifications menu item?
The graph appears fine - the revit nodes within it are not being loaded correctly for some reason. (the graph itself is not corrupted so your data is not lost).
Please try the steps advised above.
remove all packages
remove all third party addins
look in the notification menu for notifications (green circle in dynamo menu near help menu)