My Import from Excel to create sheets script doesn't work now


I was using this script the other day and it worked perfectly.

However, now that I’m running it again, the *Sheet.ByNameNumberTitleBlockANdView node doesn’t work anymore. Any ideas?

Thanks so much!

Btw, I redid the script also because I was using the older version of DYnamo and when I ran it, the “Import to Excel” node didn’t work.

Hi there,

Try to change Lacing to Auto.



Hi, Sorry @Manel_Fernandez
Actually in the Dynamo 2.0 they only have Data.ImportExcel and it doesn’t work. (I am running this in another pc)

Now, in Dynamo 1.3, they have the script that I posted above and Excel.ReadFromFile works perfectly but I don’t have the Auto lacing option because it’s using Dynamo 1.3…

Not sure what is the problem…


I just installed Dynamo 2.0 in the new pc and ran the script again. I no longer had issues with the Data.ImportExcel node. I encountered an error with the Sheet node but it explained that it needed a string value instead of double (the numbers were read as double), so I just added the Boolean node to the ImportExcel node and it worked fine…

Not sure why in the other PC, it showed that it cannot take array instead of the real error…
Anyway, I will try this again with Dynamo 1.3 and see…