Excel to sheets not working in 2023!

We recently upgraded one of our projects to Revit 2023 and the majority of my old Dynamo scripts have been running fine. One which would create sheets from an Excel document is not though. I’m wondering if anyone might be able to see what’s going on? The ImportExcel node above the XML one that is hooked up is the original one I was using and I’ve tweaked the arrangement slightly so it should work with the XML node instead. If anyone can see anything I’ve done incorrectly please let me know! :slight_smile:

Hi @AdamWGC and welcome §

you need to convert your Excel file
xls to xlsx

Thanks very much c.poupin!

I tried switching over the to the xls on the old arrangement I had in case that was the issue. I didn’t try it the xlsx with the new one though. Just tried it now and sadly still no success!

what is the error message with xlsx file ?

Not sure why but my previous post was hidden. Hopefully this one comes through!

DataOpenXML need a path at input

Awesome! That’s gone to the next step. Any ideas with this section?

You must have less sublists than your indices you are asking for. That workflow looks to require two columns in excel, so two sublists in dynamo.

Hi Gavin! You might have to dumb that down for me I’m afraid. Complete noob at all of this!

It looks like your excel data only has one column. You’re asking for the second object in your excel data, but dynamo is telling you there isn’t one. Assuming youre trying to make sheets your second column would likely be sheet name.

Start from column 0.

Here’s an example of a script and excel file I just threw together that work as intended. I added an extra catch for existing sheet numbers too.

Make sheets list.xlsx (8.8 KB)
Create new sheets.dyn (44.7 KB)

You will need Rhythm, Crumple and DSIronPython2.7 packages installed to run it.

It just doesn’t seem to want to pick up column 1. I switched them to 0 and 1 and it’s picking up column 2 as 1. Nothing for 0 for something reason!

Excel docu

Awesome mate! I’ll give it a go! Really appreciate it

If you want column 1 you need to set the excel read from column 0. A fundamental aspect in programming is that the first item of something is not generally 1, it is 0. You learn this when covering lists.

I suggest spending some time reading and practicing with the dynamo primer. Rushing headlong into developed workflows does not for effective learning make.


The version you created worked wonders. Thank you kindly!

With the amount of work we have on I’ve been looking at shortcuts for certain time consuming tasks such as view and sheet creation. It’s certainly something I’d love to delve deeper into to learn and understand more about what’s going on. Having the freedom to be able to create something from scratch would be great! I’ll take a look if we ever have a quiet period! Thanks for the help as always

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