I have been looking but I cannot seem to find a way to move a view from one sheet to another.
I am trying to match a source file for view placement. I have matched the views and sheets but I cannot find a way to move the view to its proper sheet.
Is there a node or a package that I am glancing over?
Thanks for the Reply. I had not seen your post on that thread.
I pulled out the python code and it seems to be working. Do you know what package the code came from? I know Rhythm has one but it was not working for me (I think I had a view that was placed in my list going to check on that now).
To place a View onto another sheet one must first delete the viewport (not the view). See image below.
Yes, this python was from the #steamnodes package and was within the node Tool.PlaceViewsOnSheets.
(Steamnodes is a cool package to keep handy @Julien_Benoit1 )
The only reason I took this out into python for the graph was to reduce the dependencies, as I hadn’t gotten Dynamo player set up to work with network packages for our team at the time.