Model far away from origin

hi everyone, I’m drawing a viaduct and I’m using dynamo together with excel to model it. The tracking axis of the viaduct expressed in meters uses georeferenced coordinates so the viaduct will be positioned very far from the origin causing inaccuracies. How can I solve it?

@Sintecna.rws05 ,

thats a big topic and also outside of dynamo. Set your project to the right coordinates first, that you can start…


Are the co-ords correct? They just in metres rather than mm?

The inaccuracies are likely only in the display if you leave the geometry scaling on medium.

Alternatively you can find the minimum X and minimum Y value from your list of coordinates, subtract those values from each point prior to creating any elements. After that you can work with your geometry with the minimum point at the origin instead of a VERY large distance from it. If the scale is still is causing issues you can instead subtract the average point between the minimum and maximum X and Y values.