Manipulate tag endpoints relative to view coordinates not world coordinates

Hi All,

The goal is to automate alignment / distribution of tags & tag elbows using a dynamo graph based on the location of the leader endpoints within a view like this example:

The graph functions as expected if the view is a plan view aligned to the default coordinate system (I’ll call this the world coordinate system as i’m unsure of the terminology): e.g. a point with x=3 is to the right of one with x=1 in the view & a point with y=5 is above one with y=2 in the view. And this allows me to order/arrange tags to the left and right of the view and above and below relative to the view.

However the rotation of the detail view will not always be aligned with the world coordinate system and therefore views created from rotated plans or sections do not allow me to simply use the tags relative x & y coordinates to align/distribute them relative to the detail view.

The Question:
Is there a way to manipulate the leader points relative to the detail view irrespective of if its a plan or a section of whatever rotation it may be relative to the world coordinates?

I believe you could use the direction of the view to establish a relative coordinate system to work in instead of world XYZ system.

For drafting views I believe they would on a XY basis.

Thanks, I will need to achieve this using dynamo nodes as I have no ability to script.

I am unsure how to convert the reporting of the points xyz coordinates from the “world” coordinates to one based on the veiwplane and say ideally with an origin at the view centrepoint?

Once I can have all points reporting xyz coordinates relative to the new view coordinate system It will be simple and logical for me to align, distribute and move tags, elbow points accordingly.


Clockwork has a view.Plane node which would allow you to get a coordinate system pretty readily.

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Thanks Jacob,

I have made a simple example graph below of an attempt at transferring the location of tag leaders ends from the world coordinates to the view coordinates of a section callout. Does this look correct? The coordinates i get don’t seem logical. Would I need to also relocated the new coordinate system origin closer to the view (ideally the center)? Any feedback much appreciated.

I think you want to transform from the view a coordinate system to the identity coordinate system. You seem to be ping the opposite.