Leader end and elbow coordinates in attached end tag


I’m wonder why nodes “Tag.LeaderElbow” and “Tag.LeaderEnd” work proper only with tags that are “free end”? Is strange for me. Even If I tag using “attached end” and I change to “free end” in Revit dynamo in some point put “null” value in the list (some correct points some nulls). Tag have to be put on the beginning as “free end” to have correct point using these nodes. It should be no difference if tag is “attached” or “free end”, point coordinates are points coordinates, this is some bug? anyone has a clue how to get these points in tags created as “attached end”?

@jacek.grabowski79AQ7 ,

with free end it works :confused:

even with free end I see some “null” in the Tag.elbow list

@jacek.grabowski79AQ7 ,

yes in the default setting the elbow remains Cero.

this is a normal limitation of the API, if the tag does not use a free end leader, the end leader is attached to the element (visually to the element’s BoudingBox)

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So ending this topic is that there is no way to find attached tag “leader elbow” and “leader end” points?