Linked elements tagging

Hello there! The other day I was trying to tag some elements from linked model according to Tagging linked file elements using Dynamo. Unfortunately it didn’t work out because and I’d get an error “type object has no attribute create” What can I do with this?

Hi @mironov.boris,

Which version of Revit do you use ?
Can you provide a sample file with the families ?

Ok, so here are the hvac model I link into another one, the tag I’m trying to apply and the script I’m using.
And I use Revit 2017.2

Hi Boris,

It’s not possible to tag linked elements with Revit 2017. This is a limitation of the API.
It is possible since Revit 2018 for families.
Use Create Annotation Tag (Multi-Category) node instead.

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Ok, thanks for clarification, anyway when using Create Annotation Tag (Multi-Category) another error appears: “The element to tag does not exist in the given document”

The clarification should not be explicit enough.

With Revit 2017, you can tag only linked rooms. It’s impossible with the other linked elements.
The correct node is Create Annotation Tag (Multi-Category)

With Revit 2018 and later, it’s possible to tag the linked elements (except spaces and areas).
The correct node is Create Independent Tag

Well, it’s clear now, thanks :slightly_smiling_face: