Tag windows by level parameter in linked model

Hi All,
Im trying to write a script to tag windows that are in a linked model. The tag marks in the linked model are however not to my liking so I would like to renumber them based on level.I tried the scripts that are suggested in other topics and cant seem to make them work. (I get blue dots and even if i close dynamo or disable the preview they dont disappear and tags dont show)
Any help would be greatly appreciated!


Hi @ekimzeynep,

You should add your graph with the errors for specific advices.
To tag linked windows :

It’s also possible to renumber the windows in the linked document :

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Hi @Alban_de_Chasteigner,
Thank you! However, I am still not getting any tags. Might I be doing something wrong?

You didn’t connect the windows to the input elements of the Create Tag node.

Still cant… I get these blue square dots.

Don’t make your view a list. That’s going to cause Dynamo to make assumptions on your list structure that you don’t want it making.

Still doesnt work. Again, I get the blue dots.

Can you turn on all your node previews so we can see what’s happening?

Thank you for the help! Here it is:

Which version of Revit do you use ?
Here is an explanation of what the API allows with the different versions of Revit :

Im using Revit 2019.