Hello, forum! I
Is there a way to manage with Dynamo the “by linked view” of a view?
Suppose I have a list of empty views such as “View A”, “View B”, “View C”. I have a linked Revit model that contains views with the same names, with graphics of details. I would like to expedite the process of going to “View A” > Manage Links > clicking on the “By Host View” button of the link, changing that to “By Linked View” and selecting “View A” from a long list of views in a drop down menu, and doing this many times. I think that there should be a way to automate that. Can anybody share a solution? Thanks.
Hi Alfredo,
The only way i know of is to merge viewtemplates.
I’ll second what @Marcel_Rijsmus said. Last I checked the Revit Links properties of a view were not available in the API.
Hi everyone!
Any update regarding this topic with the new 2021 version of Revit? Thanks
Thank you, @Marcel_Rijsmus , I am back to this topic again, because i need it again. I’m going to your idea of assigning a view template and removing it again. I would be very useful to control the “by linked view” setting of a long list of views by a script.
I’m sure you tested it before posting
-Watching Tarantino movies meanwhile-
Well, I haven’t tested anything yet. I am going to try. Last time I needed this I was too busy to set time apart for making the script. But soon I’m going to need this again. So I’m going to try to change at least 1 view’s “by linked view” by a script, with your idea of view templates. I will let you know how it goes… Thanks!
Hi @Alfredo_Medina, did you manage to make it work? I am also in this need to speed up thousands of views setting.
I would also love to know if you got this to work!
Just not available via the API.
My workaround still works for me
And Alfredo spends too little time here to answer you i guess
thanks both @Marcel_Rijsmus and @aaron_rumple