Hello everyone
I am kind of stuck on my research. I know now I cannot do this straightaway in Revit so I wonder if there is a quick/slow way to do it dynamo.
I have to able measure the area of a closed polyline in cad (I highlighted a little of it but it should be the area enclosed by all those polylines), this polyline may vary in the future so the idea is to link this live cad file and take off quantities with Revit Schedules.
I think dynamo could help me to transform those cad lines perhaps into rooms? or area? area boundary? and then create schedules from it?
Thanks for your help

Hi @sjaviergmanso and welcome…its more a forum for Dynamo users, have you tried in a Revit forum ?
Hello @sovitek thanks for your message
I have already done my research with Revit and for the automation process I need to achieve I cannot use Revit as it is, I believe. I would like to explore the Dynamo way and see if it possible.
I have seen a few videos on youtube about this workflows but they are not clear enough
I wonder if someone can through some light
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arhhh sorry i read it as you dont wanna use Dynamo 
Sorry it was my bad, I did not edit the post, I will do.
hehehe no worries…could you share a link with these videos ?..do these lines you wanna grap on a separate layer …you know many things can go wrong it depends on how the cad is build…and probably better do directly in acad/civil3d…you are welcome to share a dataset here . thats probably easier…you can use webtransfer etc. and share the link here
Hi sovitek thanks for your help, I will share the file sure! just finishing something at work. About the videos I can record what I do in revit which it is basically import the files as links
thats for sure ok ;)…yes if you share the dataset rvt, cad…then the community can help…