I working in a tunnel model which I would like to desing in Revit. The problem lies when I try to import data from civil 3D (feature line, alignment, profiles, points) into Revit which will allows me to have nedeed 3D information that the tunnel should follow.
I have been trying too many workflows with no success.
To sum up, I basically want to get a georeferenced 3d line into Revit that my tunnel can follow along. Once I desing the tunnel in revit, export back into civil 3D.
For tunnel and all linear structures. You can access fom dynamo revit all civil 3d object you need like alignment and corridor. Try “BriMohareb_2023” or “civilconnection”. Pakege
I was working with the BriMohareb_2023 and I could get the corridor base line and alignment representation in Dynamo.
Sice that, I have two questions.
-What does means for you a low frecuency corridor? (I work in meters… 20, 5, 1 meter?).
-On the other hand how do you display the baseline or feature line from Dynamo into Revit?
I attach two images. The first one with the script and the second one with baseline (red arrow) and alignment (green arrow) representation.
HI @Rocastro1959
First, low frequency corridor is corridor with large amounts of division for examble 10000. I use it to get control point (any change in alignment, profile and target) for more information see the AU 2019 presentation. If you do not care about control point use corridor with 0.5 m division only.
Second, you can display the baseline as polyline then convert it to curves to modelline.
For the alignment it is not an easy that the alignment maybe has clothoid curve and revit or dynamo has not this element. To get alignment polycuve from alignment point it is not accurate.