It creates separate Excell files named by Schedule Names.
The question is: How to create one single Excell file, where all exported revit schedules would be on different worksheets?
You’ll have to show the Python code. We can’t tell you what to change if we can’t see what’s happening in the first place.
And please be sure to use Preformatted Text </> when you paste your code.
The OOTB Excel node has to take lines of data, not just schedule views. You should be able to easily retrieve this with the Schedule.GetData node from Bimorph.
EDIT: Using Bimorph to easily export schedules to Excel.
i try to use OOTB nodes only, seems only ScheduleView.Fields available, any way to achieve similar result of Schedule.GetData of BimorphNodes? Python or custom node
Look at the results from the all elements of type (line 7) and schedulable fields name (line 7) they are not the same and do not match the search command of “string start with”
I would try to put the all elements output in the node “” and filter that results by the “string start with” node.
Look at the Bumblebee Pkg. They have a “BB Data” node that can take it straight to Excel by also including its own “Write Excel” node. Here’s how it can be used…
I believe my question is not clear. I would like to export Schedule View direct from revit, keeping the sum of elements and organization with filters. When I perform the traditional export, the dynamo creates an excell without grouping and filtering the families. Listing all items without categorizing, filtering and adding. I know that in excell it would be possible to do this without effort, but it is not the goal.