How to edit assembly parameters From Excel using Dynamo

Hello Currently I have this Dynamo Script where I can extract The assembly of the Corridor Parameters to excel . Is there Any way I can Extract it the other way , by that I mean From Excel to civil 3d where once I have Changed the parameters in excel I can run it in civil 3d and the parameters are changed ?
Assembly Parameters.dyn (36.7 KB)
DWG.dwg (941.3 KB)

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CORRIDOR 1-2_FILL _PROFILE _ CIVIL 2021-test.dwg (1.0 MB)
How to edit assembly parameters From Excel using Dynamo to.dyn (31.8 KB)

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2.dwg (930.2 KB)
22.xlsx (9.1 KB)
Assembly Parameters.dyn (39.1 KB)

جزاك الله خير اخوي كتير بقدر مساعدتك
First you helped me to export these parameters to excel . Now I want to change these parameters in excel and they can change the Corridor/assembly parameters . Is there anyway to do this ?

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انا عاوز اغير الارقام الموجودة بالاكسل ، و بس اغيرن يتغير الارقام الموجودة بالسيفل ٣د
Once I have changed the numbers from excel the numbers will automatically change in the assembly parameter
جزاك الله كل خير يا حبيب القلب

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There is an error in assembly

I don’t know what is not working for me
Is it made of polyene? There are no settings

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It was made using subassembly composer 2021 maybe thats why

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I would appreciate , a script that can have this Idea , I can send you the assembly by email . I cannot send it here I don’t know why

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المهم بس اقدر اعدل عل Assembly
من ال Excel
ممكن هيك شي استاذ حسني . جزاك الله خيرا عكل شي حبيب قلبي . المشكلة مطر عليها كرمال هيك

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Upload it to the download site
Put the link better

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This is the subassembly . Please if it didn’t work try opening it in your version of subassembly composer and save it on your PC ( do a save as on your PC from your subassembly Composer )

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معلش استاذ حسني انكليزيتي ما زيادة ، اذا ما مشيت افتحا با subassembly composer
الموجود علي لابتوبك و علا سايف save as
بيمشي الحال
شكرا كتير اللك

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مرحبا ما عرفت اتعامل معه
ابعت متل هاد

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You can open this file in Subassembly composer it should be like this . it is long

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اعمل هايك ابعته

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try downloading it from here . and you will get a file like this called 2021 . please open it in subassembly composer and it will work . or Try inserting it in civil 3d

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2021 (1).txt (13.1 KB)

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I have changed it to txt , maybe you need to change it to pkt when you get it . Again thank you soo much for your help

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How to edit assembly parameters From Excel using Dynamo to to to.dyn (48.8 KB)


استاذ حسني ربنا يجزيك كل خير و يرزقك من حيث لا تحتسب . مش عارف كيف بدي انشكرك يا حبيب قلبي يسلموا كتير

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الحمد لله

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