How do I create dimension lines in the 3D view?

I would like to display dimension lines in the Revit 3D view as shown in the image. Can you please tell me how to do this in Dynamo?
I have read several posts in the forum but could not solve the problem.
I have also attached a Revit file showing what I would like to do, which I hope you will find useful.
It would be helpful if you could show specific Dynamo files.
dimension.rvt (5.1 MB)

Using Dynamo to set work plane in 3D view
Auto-Dimension 3D View

Read especially the bold text in the quote.
I don’t wanna sound like an a**, but did you only read or also tried something yourself?

Also :point_down:.

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I would say as Bas, yes its possible except you diameter dimension i guess

Thanks for your reply.
I was able to reproduce the Dynamo you attached, but the Dimension ByReferences node is returning null. I assume the view is a 3Dview.

The selection was made on two of the sides of the cube as shown in the image.
I have also attached the Dynamo file and would appreciate it if you could check it out.
dimension_in_3dview-test.dyn (20.3 KB)

I have no idea why it is returning a null.
Maybe @Alban_de_Chasteigner can tell as he made the node.

Hi Try get the surface reference


I tried it out also out of curiosity. Worked.

Would this :point_down: be the bottleneck in the other Graph then you think @sovitek ?


I am really curious what the difference is between the two approaches (Graphs).
As the input is the same got Line and Reference?

not really sure i havent tried, this graph

ok guess it could work as well if we pull the points on plane

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Thanks for the reply. I was able to display the dimensions in 3Dview without error.

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awesome :wink:

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