Currently in a project where the system is capable of creating pathways and hallways in a BIM model just from the start and end points from the user. See I am aware that is system is possible by using the PathOfTravel Tool available in Revit, But what am trying to achieve is a system where the path of travel lines are made of 90 degree lines only. Path Of Travel tool typically finds the best and the shortest route and doesn’t mind about the angles of the lines. So iterative system using python scripting where the program runs until it figures it if the path of travel lines that are present only contain straight lines only. I was able to receive some help in getting the vectors from the path of travel and was even able to make few of the lines straight but the issue would be that I would need to insert way points within the lines to make them straight. Inserting way points using the existing nodes are fairly simple but I need them to be present in a python script so I could make the system be iterative and provide with fairly correct result.
The issue is that for the python script I was able to declare the necessary libraries from the revit api in the python script and apparently the insert way point function requires the waypoint location and index but declaring them in the script shows up with an error and saying that the arguments are incorrect.
This is how I declared it: waypoint = PathOfTravel.InsertWaypoint(“chosen point”,“index”)
Is your chosen point a Revit XYZ object? If you are using the Dynamo geometry library you will have to convert it first. Best to share your code for review if not (or if you need help converting this specific data type).
The chosen point is a Autodesk Geometry Point and weirdly it started to work on its own but currently I am facing issues with the update function as it provides with an type error where the no methods matches the given argument
status = Path.Update()
Can you post some reproducible code? It’s quite a lot of work to build a Revit model to make a path and find a point to add, then build a your code with no more than a reference to your api call, and then finally start to debug.
import sys
import clr
from Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry import *
from Autodesk.Revit.DB.Analysis import *
# The inputs to this node will be stored as a list in the IN variables.
# Place your code below this line
travel = IN[0]
counter = 1
for paths in travel:
tx = (10000 * counter + 1000);
temp = Point.ByCoordinates(tx, 1000, 0)
paths.InsertWayPoint(temp, 0)
status = paths.Update()
counter = counter + 1
OUT = 0
The python script just requires a path of travel element, select a path of travel element and attach to the Input 0 of the python script. Make sure your path of travel element is in a list.
This worked for me in Revit 2023.1 using the CPython, IronPython2, and the as of yet unofficial IronPython3 engine.
Think there was a miss in implementing the code from @c.poupin - likely skipped adding System to the clr causing the import to fail; either way that isn’t required if you update the paths in time with adding the waypoints.
import clr
# Import geometry conversion library
import Revit
# Import DocumentManager and TransactionManager
import RevitServices
from RevitServices.Persistence import DocumentManager
from RevitServices.Transactions import TransactionManager
# Import RevitAPI
from Autodesk.Revit.DB import XYZ
from Autodesk.Revit.DB.Analysis import PathOfTravel
#Get the active document
doc = DocumentManager.Instance.CurrentDBDocument
# Input and unwrapping
paths= UnwrapElement(IN[0])
pnts = IN[1]
# Start Transaction
TransactionManager.Instance.EnsureInTransaction(doc) #NOTE: even if a transaction isn't required for modifyign the document, you want it to be here to prevent corruption, and ensure longevity of the code base (it's likely to be a requiement someday).
for path, pnt in zip(paths,pnts): #for each path and point pair
pnt = pnt.ToXyz() #convert the Dynamo point to a Revit XYZ. If you're builidng your points as native XYZ you can skip this, but you'll have to do the work somewhere else instead.
path.InsertWaypoint(pnt,0) #insert the waypoint at index 0 - you likely want to be a bit smarter than this
PathOfTravel.Update(path) #update the path of travel
# End Transaction
OUT = paths