I am trying to process some results that I have gotten using the Robot link extension. In order to get the results from a load combination, I need the element ID of the load combination. This is where it gets complicated - it seems that load combinations neither have a category nor a type, and since they are not physical object, I don’t know how the get the IDs. I know that there is a potential of filtering thorugh all the elements - but I’m guessing that that also demands a category or a type.
If anyone has a simple solution to this problem (or can tell me what I am doing wrong) - I would love to hear it.
I guess as you’re using result connect to get results your real question is how to identify the elements in Revit based on no information in the excel document (from result connect), is that correct?
The best option is to skip the result connect and pull the data directly from RSA using the API… (Either Python or C#)
Wow, I feel silly now - you are absolutely right. They don’t have a category, but they do have a type, I just couldn’t find it. The trouble was that all the parameter values for category/type/anything were blank for the LoadCases I created via Dynamo.
Thank you though!
Yeah, I had a feeling you would say that (fordi Kristian Brink antydede at I havde droppet Robot link-extension ) - Maybe I’ll try that at some other point, but for now I just wanted to see if I could get a quick transfer from my Robot results already in the model, to a parameter on the structural elements.
It seems that the load combinations created in Robot might be a little more troublesome than the ones created in Revit and then transferred back and forth.
Don’t worry, it can happen to anyone to make very complicated stuff and miss an easy solution. That’s exactly why the forum exists, so people can offer different points of view
Glad I was helpful!