in my Thesis I’m trying to parametrize design of steel hall with Dynamo. I’ve already created a model with load cases and assigned sections that is transfered to Robot SA and analysed there. However in Robot I would like to create Automatic Load Combinations. Is it possible to do it automatically from Dynamo?
Thanks for your answer. My question is of course- how to do it? If @Jonathan.Olesen is able to help I would be grateful.
How much experience do you have in Python or C#?
And how do you model and analyze your structure?
Unfortunately I don’t have experience in Python or C#. This Thesis is actually my first project using Dynamo so I’m sorry if my questions are not going in line with my current knowladge. Dynmo is barely known in my country so I thought of it as very useful innovation that I could stick to in my further career. I’m trying to find out if I am able to somehow complete the plan that I have regarding my Thesis. However if it will not be possible I will complete it in Robot manually and improve my skills to complete it afterwards as for now on time is too limited to learn Python I’ve already found your description how to assign member types to bars and I’ll try to use it.
Please find attached my Dynamo file in response for a method of modelling and analysis.
As erfajo mention, it is possible to create loadcases automatically using the build in function in RSA, this would happen in either Python or C#.
I have not used this option as it is not a part of my Thesis, though I should think it is possible.
You should however know that retrieved results in Dynamo from the analysis if you use RSA API for automatic load creation will not work and the analysis will have to be carried out through the API as well, as the area marked in red in my screenshot will not be working.
This is caused by the Analysis package using a custom and specially build RSASimulation engine that is not directly relatable to the Interop that the API is using.
The area marked with blue would is all the interaction you have with RSA and using the API would be more steady but require a lot of scripting.
If I get a few hours sometime within the next couple of weeks I’ll have a look into creating a simple engine applying the automatic load combination IF you do not require handing the analysis results in Dynamo (Skipping the red area).
Thanks a lot. At beginning I was planning to complete an optimalization with Dynamo as well but now I would probably need to concern much smaller structure as there is much more work than I’ve expected and I need more skills than I’ve expected
Hi there,
Im doing my thesis, only difference is that my structure is in concrete, but now im having the same problem with the load combinations. Did you find a simple solution? Or did you actually made a script in python or C#? Im not confortable either with those languages.
Thank you!