Floor Finishes

Hi Dynamo community,

I’ve just started creating a script to generate floor finishes by rooms, but I’m having trouble finding the right nodes. I’m new to Dynamo, so any help would be greatly appreciated. If anyone has a Dynamo script for creating floor finishes by rooms, please share.

Hi @md.fiyaz i am not really sure what you mean…is it with a filledregion, direct shape, family, instance or in the floor layer. itself…best you show what you have tried so far…

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Hi@sovitek floor layer like tiles.

¨here with floor compound layer…if it what you mean…set layer is from clockwork


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Hi @md.fiyaz,

Here is an example of how to create finished floors by rooms. I used the data shape and crumple package.
Floor Finishes By Rooms.dyn (53.7 KB)

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