Hello ,
I’m new at Dynamo. I am trying to draw Finish Floor tiles.As in the screenshot,
I want to create tiles in 3 rooms by considering the directions of the doors.
Is it possible?
I request your help.
Thank you.
Hello ,
I’m new at Dynamo. I am trying to draw Finish Floor tiles.As in the screenshot,
I want to create tiles in 3 rooms by considering the directions of the doors.
Is it possible?
I request your help.
Thank you.
Welcome to the forum
Look here
Thanks Marcel,I’m looking at. They talked a lot about the subject.I will return.
I used this Dynamo scripts
FloorByRoomAndThresholds - AnotherMethod.dyn
It usually works better to get help here when you post an image of your graph after you have hit the run button. If errors show up, we want to know what the error says.
Maybe @Laura_BIMChick can give an update on this graph.
What does the error say? Please expand the previews of the nodes which connect to the node that is throwing out the error.
Hi Vikram
,Tile placement is great!
But I want to place a floor. I have to find my flooring limits according to the directions of the doors and lay floors on these limits.
Thanks for feedback
Hi Jacob,I add the Revit model I worked with. Thank you.
JacobRoom_Floor_Test.rvt (1.7 MB)
Try adding a new line to this code block of category.Name@L2;
and preview that output.
Try without the @L2 bit.
Hello Vikram,
Thank you. It looks great.
You did a great job.
See you.
thank you Sir @Vikram_Subbaiah
i just need your help to enhance this script taking in considration this points
set floor finish by room
2nd this floor contain area above doors of room
3rd floor need to be created whatever the opening side of doors
4th this floor created also when this contation multiple wall layers speratly dos’nt matter orientation