I’m working with Revit 2024 and I use node FlexCurve.ByPoints from package ‘MEPover’. But when i tried it, results returned null. If there is any way please help!
Lets see if you are using that node correctly
I followed the instructions here @pyXam
(Flex Pipe Creation (or duct) - #3 by T_Pover)
Lets see then
We can help see where you went wrong or maybe the node needs updating.
Hi @thanhnt7310 are you sure you have dynamoironpython 2.7 version 2.5 package installed then
i have installed it :((
allright i assume it still doesnt work, you are sure its the right version ironpython…anyway its really hard to help you so long you dont show us whats goin on or share your graph, then it will just be guess
I have changed a number but it still
Looks like my node is different from yours. Input 1 is point not points. What version of Revit are you using?
24 and the latest mepover
me too. Can you send me file dyn?
have you renamed the input in the node ?
flex.dyn (26.3 KB)
There seems to be a problem with this node
hmmm try rename to points instead of Points and save, strange i dont have that error…
i tried to do that, everything is the same as you but it still returns null
so you have renamed all name errors seems in your last image you still have some issue, could you show that open ?? so we can see all inputs in that node, you could try copy the python node to your canvas and see if that works