so you would need the geometry of the tesselated surface and extract only the x and y coordinates of the vertices is that right?
maybe something like this helps a bit:
I’m trying to find a way to divide an array of polygonal surfaces into smaller <span style=“text-decoration: underline;”>triangular</span> surfaces.
The problems I faced with at the moment:
Using the Lunchbox Triangle Grid by Face and adapting the python a bit so it can handle a list of surfaces, creates the triangles in the “bounding” surface. So if the input face is a big triangle, the resulted triangles form a square surface contour. This could be solved by the Geometry.Intersect, but the…
or this:
So I thought I’d 3D print John’s birthday cake…
Unfortunately when converted to mesh, it becomes more like this…
There are various methods of controlling this described… But changing them gives no visible difference…
I definitely read that the render precision of Dynamo affects the export, but the Primer is being rewritten right now?..
This works, but is looking quite heavy…
Would anyone have any other ideas?
Happy Birthday!-Pr…