FAQ: Can’t start Vasari

Interesting . . . Can you tell me the specs on the AMD card? I can reproduce this on a Radeon 6950

OK. Swapped the graphics card from an AMD to a NVIDIA Quadro and all OK

I've tried twice more this morning and was prompted to send crash reports to autodesk if thats of any use.

no its a new machine and its never run vasari

Have you run Vasari on this machine before? Which versions? Have you rebooted the machine recently? This is very unusual kind of crash.

tried that.

the UI fully loads and then the application closes with 1 second of the UI being fully visible

What are you seeing when you try starting? Also, can you find this folder, and delete it, then try to start Vasari:

C:Users<YourUserName>AppDataLocalSpoonSandboxAutodesk Revit

win 7 x64

Hi Russ

What OS and number of bits for your machine?

I've tried all of these and still can't get V2 to start on one machnine...anything else to try?