Extruding a Lofted Surface

Having issues with the tool, thicken surface. Can’t seem to understand why the node fails to give out a result. I am dealing with a ramp here.

The port on the node for thickness has not been given a value?

I tried that, does’t work.

Sometimes the best strategy is a work round. Try creating the top surface by translating the bottom surface upwards and lofting the edges of both to create the sides. This collection of adjoining surfaces can be joined to create a solid. I know it’s a bit long winded but it will get you a result when the node fails.

Otherwise you need to change/simplify the original surface to a brep surface shape that the thicken node can work with.

Sometimes I find you hit a limit of Dynamo’s geometry handling capabilities and have to do work around to keep making progress with your original goal.

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What is the warning statement? Can you provide the source material so someone can reproduce and resolve?

have your tried this one instead…



Here’s the error message.

Yes, definitely, this will be the last resort. Hopefully it wouldnt come to that :sweat_smile:

Here’s the source material. I am unable to upload my dynamo script cause I’m a new user.


still doesn’t work.

I agree with @jacob.small we need some source material
could be a self-intersecting form that is being created here
So we need the source material


@goutham.veerabathula …hmmm think is self intersection

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How may I provide the source material? This is the script.

I apologize, I’m fairly new to dynamo.

if you want you could try to upload your files via filetransfer or other stuff :wink:

You seem to select a face of an object at the start of the graph
A Revit file with just that face would come in handy

I can see you remove some perimeter curves in the beginning ? do surface by loft actually give the surface ?

probably you could try surface by patch instead of surface by loft, if your curves are closed…btw just a guess :wink:

Sure. This is the link to the sccript.

I just selected a face for a floor.

Link to the model. It’s a little heavy.

Great…could you purge your rvt file and delete everything except this ramp…as it a bit heavy…

I actually moved all the points with nested parameters and it created a loft effect. I think it worked.

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