It looks like the Topography.ToPolysurface is not found in the newest SpringNodes package. Can anyone please suggest me a workflow to create a thickened topography using Dynamo. I tried using Autocad but it can do only if the surface is lofted. It doesn’t recognize polymesh surface from revit as a surface to run that command.
Thanks in advance!
Could you please drop your autocad file. Thanks
One possibility is to transform the topography into a slab.
You select the topography with the top “Select Model Element” and select a floor with the bottom one. HOWEVER: the trick is that the topography and the floor slab (which can be completely flat to start with) need to exactly match their footprint in order to make it work. You would still retain the topography, but the slab will be modified to follow the slope of the topography with some triangulation.
@Kulkul please find the dxf file. I exported this from Revit
I tried this workflow, but my revit crashes the moment I connect mesh.topolysurface node to the mesh node
How large is your topo? Maybe you have to split up a bit? I’ve churned quite large topos through the Mesh.ToPolysurface node though, and had it running in reasonable time.
It might actually be the opposite. I failed to predict that somebody would also need to convert simple topos with just a few triangles. The latest release (110.0.2) addresses this. More info here:
I’m curious about modifying this method to obtain the volume contained by two toposurfaces. One topo would be an excavation and the other would be the existing surface. I know Revit allows you to obtain this data using a Graded Region, but I would prefer to have a model displaying volumetric data, without needing to schedule and without needing to manage Phase Created. In a complicated job with multiple excavations or stages, I don’t think Graded Regions are best.
I am also relatively new to Dynamo, so I’m a bit unsure where to begin. I’ll continue my search, but if anyone has a clue or a tip, it would be well-received.
Hello, there is a node called Topography.ToSolid in Chynamo package. I assume that, once calculated, it would be easy to substract volumes from one another. I’ll be interested in that discussion too anyway…
really very useful tutorial ,thanks a lot jostein_olsen.
done ,but I have question:
after creation the geometry I tried to cut it from modify panel >> geometry >> cut in revit but the tool couldn’t select it.
the cut work with swept blend wall as shown in screenshots.
best regards
i.e that the created object non-editable family.
I tried to create wall ,generic ,floor … , but all same non-editable family ,it couldn’t change solid <>void.
Hi Dear,
i had soem probleme with opography create topo node, first it worked but now i t give me error message such as eexception was raised by the type initializer for OSGeo.GDAL.GdalPINVOKE !! any help pls?
Hello Jostein,
I am stuck with a problem of extruding topography to solid to a certain required depth. I have used the same nodes but I am getting errors “Surfaces could not be joined to form a closed solid”. Could you please help me solve this issue.?
Hi, good if you could share a script, even a simplified version if possible.
Hey , I have uploaded the script and the supporting excel file.
Thanks 05.10.2018.dyn (30.6 KB)
Min points.xlsx (9.1 KB)