Export Excel operation failed

I have script that is exporting list into an excel file. It was working perfectly, but all of a sudden the out-of-the-box node, Data.ExportExcel is giving me an error about an expired token. I tried looking on the forums but did not fine a thread that matched my situation.

Here is the info on my system:
Windows 10 Pro (Up-to-Date)
Revit 2019.2
Dynamo 2.0.3
Excel Office 365 64-bit Version 1906 (Up-to-Date)

I have attached an image of the error.

This happens for me sometimes when I have managed to fail to properly exit an Excel session (thanks to the cloud connected MS Office) so Dynamo is unable to access the DLLs. It’s always been an easy fix for me: restart your CPU.

Might be worth trying out the bumblebee package also - it typically has more features than export excel (and maybe gets past this error when it occurs)?

Try logging out and logging in. This should be enough to stop all processes owned by particular user.

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Thanks for all the suggestions. I went through a long list of solutions that did not work:
Updated Windows with a Reboot
Updated Office 365
Uninstalled and reinstalled Dynamo
Open and Closed Excel

But I finally re-installed Office 365 from the website and it’s working now. Hopefully this helps anyone else that runs into this issue.

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