Error in Bumblebee Write to Excel

I am trying to place an object (generic family) get its’ location relevant to the Survey Base Point, write this data (Mark, E/W(X), N/S(Y)) to excel. The next step would be to use PyRevit to import the CSV file into Revit to make a schedule.
I’m getting an “EnvironmentError”?
Here is the entire graph

Hi @dthompsonQJC3N ,

It is really hard to see what’s wrong from this picture alone, could you reupload your graph where the node names are visible? (Or maybe even your dyn-file)

Also, is there a reason why you are using the Bumblebee Nodes instead of the OOTB Excel nodes?

Daan –

I have since revised the dyn-file. Still having trouble getting it to write to Excel, this time using OOTB Excel node.


Spot Coordinate Schedule.dyn (38 KB)

Try running an online windows repair under the windows build in add/remove programs. The windows updates typically mess up the 32/64 bit install these days and Dynamo can’t typically use Excel reliably as a result. Hundreds of threads with this type of issue over the last few months, no easy solution.

It has been fixed in later builds, but the devs haven’t expressed interest in working it back into older ones (at least not yet).

Hey Gavin –

Our IT guy will probably have jurisdiction over that solution – I forwarded.

I attached the current dyn file – I keep tweaking it but no luck so far


Spot Coordinate Schedule.dyn (53.4 KB)

@dthompsonQJC3N has nodes that can write excel files without the need for Excel to be installed. They are under EPPlus section of the library. That would alleviate your immediate need.


However, If I understand your end goal correctly, you are trying to pull coordinates of some generic models into a schedule (key schedule). I would not write that data out to Excel only to later import it back in unless there was some advantage to having it in Excel. I would just build the Key Schedule directly in Revit from that data. That’s my 2 cents.