Dynamo error in write excel/microsoft office

Hi everyone! I am new in Revit/Dynamo. I have a question about an error in Dynamo script/Microsoft office.
When i write on excel this happens in “watch node”.
Does anyone a solution?
I use Revit 2023 and Office 2019 professional plus.

I tried to modify and use the office online restore, but doesn’t work it.

Thanks for help me.

Hello @maurostudio seems you use bumblebee, it should work in 23…so i guess its your input there is wrong could you show what you feed in ?

Hi sovitek, thanks for your answer.
Imput i think is correct. It’s basic code block, sheetName, origin in BBData, link in write Excel…
I think is a problem with excel, but i don’t understand what is the problem

I don’t remember exactly, but I think there is an issue with the code in the Write Excel node. I use BimorphNodes to get the schedule data and out of the box “Data.ExportToExcel”.


Hi Staylor. Thanks for your answer. If i use a Bumblebee node? Do you think the problem is the node or Office 2019 with Revit 23?
Thanks a lot.

Based on the error, I am thinking there is an issue with the code and how it’s dealing with Excel as far as saving the spreadsheet and exiting excel, but without actually trying to create a graph and test, I can’t say for certain. You may can check to see if you have the latest version of the Bumblebee package. I think the last one is 2021.25.3.

The nodes that I show, I use with Office 2016 and in Revit 22, 23 and 24 without issues (knock on wood).

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Guessing that your excel installation was broken by a Microsoft update. Do a repair and it should work if that is the case.

Sadly any update to any Microsoft product can break Excel interop; if you can use the open XML excel nodes that should fox that issue, but you may have problems reading in calculated values.

Thanks staylor for your answer.

Thanks jacob.small for your answer.

Hi everyone! I tried to do a repair Microsoft office but it doesn’t work with my error.
Thanks for help me!

Best option is to try the other nodes as suggested and see if you get any errors. That would/should help narrow down the cause of the error.

Thank you staylor for your answer.

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That particular node might not be supported in newer builds; move to one of the two standard nodes provided.

Hi jacob.small. Thank you for your answer

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