I am trying to filter a list of structural framing that intersects with the wall, and I am not getting the correct results. It took me a while to figure it out, but it seems like I have some bugged elements in the model, which do not return any geometry, and thus my filtered list is wrong as it is not the same number of elements to results. Does anyone have any idea what these may be and how to delete them? I could filter them out but that seems really hacky. They are in a list of structural framing.
Hmm in playing a little more, I think these were elements that were deleted while playing with the script.
But I am having elements not return geometry. I have 294 structural framing elements in this list and am getting 284 solids from Element.Geometry. Is this a common issue? These families have void extrusions in them, it is possible there are elements in the model that are completely void. Best way to filter elements that don’t contain geometry and end up with an elements list? I will have to delete these as part of my scripts.
Yes, but to verify we would need the Revit file and the graph.
Sorry post above should have said void extrusions.
Seems like a pretty easy thing to do, here it says empty families as the elements are deleted before the script is finished:
I am a little leery having Dynamo delete elements without very careful supervision by some diligent. Would you run this script on your model?
Is there a way to have Dynamo select elements within Revit so that a user can review and select to delete them?
I’d like to find a way to at least present a list of deleted elements as output, but I tried a transaction end/start and passthrough node and the names still report empty, I can only get ID’s. Any ideas to get that to work?
Step 1 is identifying why they have no geometry. Select the element by ID in the user interface as a first step. Or generate a 3D view with the element isolated. Or add them to a selection set. Or override their display in a view. Or…
This is the solution I used to both select and color the elements in the current Revit view:
This way users can review and choose whether to delete the elements. I will also filter the elements without solids in the original script so it is not an issue regardless.
These elements had no geometry and the voids completely consumed the solids, as I suspected. They were junk that needed to be deleted.