Dyno Browser with Revit 2021

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hello. Can someone provide me with the Dyno 1.0.1 installer please?

Original post below.

hola. alguien me puede facilitar el instalador Dyno 1.0.1 porfis

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Installers can be found here:

Last I heard this was no longer supported so I doubt it works in latest Revit builds unless this changed. I’d suggest contacting Dyno via their website if the installers don’t work.

Alternatively consider a modern/supported alternative such as pyrevit, Relay or Nonica.

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Sadly, Dyno developers are pretty silent. We use Dyno and it’s awesome, but I fear we’ll have to come up with an alternative at some point.

It does work up through Revit 2024, though. Just have to copy the addin file to the relevant Revit folder and change the name to Dyno2024.addin

Copy this file:
to here:

I expect this to work in Revit 2025 as well, but we’ll see!

Honestly I’d just recommend pyRevit unless you heavily depend on the Dyno player and/or tuning settings which are unique to Dyno. If those are of value then Nonica may be closer to what you need. Both have developers actively supporting them unlike Dyno. To my understanding the war took its economic toll on the business given they are from Russia, and I’m not sure of the status of the developers as checking their LinkedIn shows inactivity for 1 year plus, quite concerning if anything… most of their developers were middle aged men, so not sure if they managed to dodge the drafting/get out in time. Fingers crossed for them.

I started with pyRevit for this as we already use it and it’d be nice to not use another addin for it, but it had issues with keeping scripts running in the background. I had to have another script that basically did nothing so that when I ran it, it would stop the first script. For example, I have scripts that use DataShapes UI forms. The forms would always come up a few more times after the script should have been finished. Running the script directly from Dynamo worked fine. And they work fine with Dyno. It was just a pyRevit issue.

Plus, the way you had to name all the scripts just “script” made organization of scripts on the backend a pain. I forget exactly what the requirements were, but I recall them being cumbersome.

And, it seemed painfully slow. Dyno goes ahead and spins up a Dynamo session in the background when Revit loads. But then the scripts run are pretty quick. I’m not sure, but it seems like pyRevit is spinning up Dynamo in the background every time you want to run a script. Just seemed way slower.

All that said, I AM concerned about the longevity of Dyno. It works perfectly for now, but with no development, it’s just a matter of time.
Yeesh. I hadn’t thought about them being in Russia with all that’s been going on. :no_mouth:

Nonica looks a bit cookie-cutter. 12 buttons for free or 36 for $9/seat/month? Maybe I need to try it, but that sounds pretty limited and/or expensive.

We currently have three toolbars with different sets of custom tools. The main one has 25 buttons on it.
Dyno works perfectly as far as our use goes. The script organization, ribbon customization, custom icons, speed. It all just works so well. I’d gladly pay for that if someone else picked it up or developed something that worked like it.

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Relay is another alternative, but I believe it may spin up the session for each script run like pyRevit - not 100% sure. Free, open source so worth a shot if cost is a sticking point.

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I wouldn’t count on it. Add-ins are more directly impacted by the .net changes than Dynamo, and so those will have more work to port to the new version in general.

Uuugghhh. That is depressing to hear.
Hmmm…maybe now is a good time for a career change. :smiley: