Hi All,
Went through Adam Sheather video (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1R891e2VnX0) and copied this over 1-1. It all works except the last two nodes. Id to Element returns only a 0 and therefore cannot read back to Revit. Could this be because the elements I am clashing are from a shared and linked model from a consultant? See attached
You are passing a Boolean Mask (list of booleans) into the node instead of Ids.
Well. I’ve copied this one for one from the Adam’s video above which worked. The output from the Boolean Mask is actually a list of ID’s. Any ideas?
Do these Ids still exist in the model? Try selecting an element in model by that Id.
That node is OLD, there were numerous updates to Archi-lab package since. Please get the latest.
Thanks @Konrad_K_Sobon . The issue it seams is that I’m referencing a consultants model element linked into revit. This doesnt want to read back.
I’ve been trying to install your archilab package but Dynamo doesnt seem to like it. It shows as loaded but does not appear in my library. No items show up. I’ve go your other packages (grimshaw, bumblebee, mantisshrimp) but the Archi-Lab package is funky.
So you are trying to write a parameter value to something that is in a linked model? That’s not going to work.
Yes just discovered that. It would be helpful because we are clashing between a linked model and our model. So to be able to bring these back into revit to view is the thing. Strange because it will read the id of the linked model but it cannot be linked back into revit. Anything in my model is fine.
So any advice for viewing your package? I keep uninstalling and and reinstalling and still doesn’t show up even though its loaded. Could it be because your package is set to 2016 and I’m in 2017?
Don’t install the latest. Install one version before the latest. I think i messed up the latest.
@Konrad_K_Sobon did you change the name of ID to Element? Still don’t see this in your Archi-lab package.
It’s called Element.ById i think…it will be under element folder.