I have finally decided it was time to post my DynaStandard extension onto the forum as it has been publish onto the package manager for a couple of months so far. DynaStandard is a content library extension that can help a select a few or a company to distribute scripts, access templates (dynamo or python) and allow for easy access to dynamo standards documentation.
DynaStandard has the ability to automatically force all scripts that are opening to be opened in dynamos manual run mode, this should hopefully stop you or anyone else accidentally creating an infinite loop or for the script to automatically run.
General Video: https://autode.sk/2V6ReB3
Run type to manual video: https://autode.sk/2MDlxOY
Github Page: https://github.com/brencass/DynaStandard_public
Download Location: Dynamo Package Website and Github project page
Direct Link to Readme : https://github.com/brencass/DynaStandard_public/blob/master/Readme%20guide%20for%20DynaStandard%20Extension%20for%20use%20in%20Dynamo.pdf
The Extension works by gathering the information required from a config file that someone will have to fill in and set up. Then it will go to the indicated locations to create the menus at the top of the menu. However, it does not load everything from your dynamo content library folder until you select the “Dynamo Library” option from the menu drop downs. Even then it will also not fill in the graph information section until you indicate it to be.
The default menu will look as following but the Python Template options can be modified via the config file to have just one way to display python templates depending on how you would like them to be displayed.
Python Template Options (Out of the Box)
Python Template Option (Selected):
Dynamo Content Library window:
About Window:
Note: I created the windows via forms when I should have created them with WPF, to allow them to be more adaptive to re-selection of nodes. This is something I will be looking at updating but did not want to keep this extension limited to only people that know me on twitter/github.