DynamoPLayer Icon Greyed Out and not working

Hi there
Does anybody know why my Dynamoplayer in Revit 2023 is not working at all?
I just click on it and nothing happens but going grey and nothing else :confused:
I have looked for a solution in several posts in this forum and in Autodesk forums but nothing is working for me.
Thank you for your help!

Hi @DavidMena,

I guess it is on an other position outside your screen.
Try to right-click on the taskbar and click on maximize.

If this not works check your registry editor.

And check this website :slight_smile:
Dynamo Player dialog box does not show up when started in Revit | Revit | Autodesk Knowledge Network


Thank you I will try each one of those options and come back to tell you if it worked!

did anyone find the solution for this issue?
I have the same problem without solution.
could anyone advice?