Dynamo won't load after updating windows

Dynamo crashes after I updated windows. I have been told it is an issues with a change in Windows. Sinnce we keep our computers updated to the latest version of window. I only have one computer in the office I can run dynamo on now. Any idea when Autodesk will fix this?

I would like to find a way to share the screen when it crashes but I haven’t found a way to put a screen shot in this message.

Can you upload a screenshot to another file share and post a link?

Have you tried to reinstall the Add-In functionality using the:

Can you advise on where you received the information regarding incompatibility upon system upgrade?

@bob.barnett.pe Can you provide screen shot of your windows version etc here? Dynamo team is aware of this and will use info you provided right away to track this down. Also, screen to gif (http://www.screentogif.com/) can grab your crash and convert it to a gif you can attach.

The screen shot of the error is shown above.