Dynamo not loading in Revit 2018.2

Hi all,

dynamo does not seem to open in my Revit. The window when I hover over the Revit icon but I can,t access it. any ideas why this could be?
I recently upgrade to 2.0, sandbox,s runnig fine but not revir. I have already reinstalled dynamo but it didn,t work

Check task manager to see if the window has become hidden. If so windows key + left arrow.

If not please post a screencast of what you are seeing.


see attached for print screen. Let me know if this clears the confusion…

Can you check task manager as well (ctrl + shift + esc) ?

thanks for your reply, Jacob. Print screen attached for task manager. Any ideas what might be going wrong?

Go to more details and find Dynamo in the list, sorted alphabetically.

Details view? It may be that you need to uninstall and clear the registry manually, or that your system environment or an add-in is blocking it from executing. Check the logs (if they are generating any) for the later.

Hi Jacob, user ‘Kulkul’ is asking to access remotely my comp to help me with this issue. Is he certified to do this by Autodesk?

We do not certify individuals for something like this, but I would say you’d be in very good hands there. If you prefer to discuss with a member of the Autodesk technical support team you can reach out via standard support channels.

Note that one is paid to provide support in this forum, including myself (on my lunch break now), members of the development team, and highly trusted individuals with moderator and administrator privileges (such as Kulkul). This may be a case of “best to not refuse something good which has been freely offered” in this case.

Feel free to PM me if you would like to discuss further.

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Hi @ijimenez13

Uninstall clean Current Dynamo version including registries and reinstall back latest Dynamo version 2.0.2.

Good Luck!


thanks so much for all your help, @Kulkul
highly recommend his help, for all those out there who are new in this forum!

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