Dynamo window gets frozen


I finally decided to test Dynamo after a couple of years of being dragged to it. Sadly something went wrong with my installation.

I have Revit 2018 and Windows 10. I downloaded and installed the latest Dynamo 2.0.1 from http://dynamobim.org/download page:

During installation of Dynamo, on the “Select Components” screen I checked: “Revit 2018” and “Training Files”. Immediately after the installation I ran Revit, and noticed that Dynamo is nowhere to be found within the “Add-Ins” tab:

So I searched through my “C:\Program Files\Dynamo” folder and found “DynamoSandbox.exe” in this folder: “C:\Program Files\Dynamo\Dynamo Core\2\DynamoSandbox.exe”

Dynamo Sandbox is not what I needed. I wanted to have Dynamo integrated into my Revit, not stand alone version of Dynamo.
Nevertheless when I ran the upper mentioned “DynamoSandbox.exe”, I get a frozen window:

The same frozen window appears even when I close Revit 2018 and run the “DynamoSandbox.exe” again.

What am I doing wrong?
I tried to uninstall my Dynamo 2.0.1 only to discover that this 2.0.1 installation has actually installed 4 different Dynamo’s on my system:

I never installed Dynamo before on this laptop.

I would welcome any help, as I at the moment I am pretty desperate.
Thank you in advance.

Dynamo on Revit 2017 or newer should be located in the Manage tab, not the Add-in, that is only for older Revit versions.

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Hi @kennyb6,

Thank you for the quick reply!

I will try to reinstall the 2.0.1 version again (as I already removed it) and check the Manage tab.

EDIT: @kenny it worked without any problems!!

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