Dynamo crashing revit when trying to open it

It just started doing this today. I cannot access dynamo because it freezes revit when clicking on it in manage tab and it never unfreezes again. Tried restarting both revit and windows.

This is revit 2023

@1bitBoolean ,

try to open dynamo clean without packages… befor you open Revit. put your packages in an tempfolder…

so you can see if dynamo runs without packages clean!



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Just tried it, same result. Just freezes revit indefinatelly

try with your addins as well

I don’t have any in the add-in folder. I do have AGA CAD but that doesn’t show up in the add-in folder

addins can be in many addins folders…try diroots addin manager …it should find them all for disable…

Fully uninstalled all add-ins. It’s still doing the same

hmmm…i didnt mean uninstall addins i mean disable with diroots…btw then i cant help…i just put jacob on here @jacob.small

  1. Close Revit and restart your CPU.
  2. Disable all Revit add-ins
  3. Rename the DynamoSetttings.xml and packages directory found in %appdata%/dynamo/Dynamo Revit/2.xx/ where xx is the Dynamo build you’re currently using (ie: udpated Revit 2022 would be 2.16). This will prevent any customizations to your package paths and any pre-loaded packages to not load.
  4. Launch Revit, and start a blank project from no template (select none in the drop down), and set the units to imperial
  5. Launch Dynamo and open your graph.

If the issue persists check your Revit journal for add-ins which weren’t disabled (search for vendor; only Autodesk, adsk, or some variation thereof should be present - anything more than that and you failed to disable an add-in somewhere). If nothing was missed post the .dyn, your dynamo log file from the session if it started, and your Revit journal showing no addins .

If the issue doesn’t persist restart again, undo the renaming of the settings and package path (you’ll have to delete the new versions), and repeat steps 3 and 4. If the issue still doesn’t re-occur we can confirm it’s an add-in. If the issue does re-occur you can start checking your installed packages in small groups until you identify the issue.

If it’s narrowed down to an add-in, confirm you’re using the latest version of all add-ins. Then restart Revit and disable in small groups until the issue no longer persists.

0:< API_SUCCESS { Registered an external server: Name(Haaland Equation); VendorId(USERADDIN); ServerId(58ea1b7c-2fca-453f-9ab9-7a3b9927ecc1); ServiceId(62d13e0c-9fe1-4d8e-a0c7-1f93d24cf3f3) }

Found this in journals but I am unable to locate any add-ins in any folder or installed apps.
Also nothing shows up in add-in section that doesn’t already show up on fresh instals of revit

Haaland is a built in one, so you can skip that. Colebrook as well.

Then there are no add-ins and issue persists
journal.0033.txt (370.8 KB)

I’m not sure if dynamo logs even get generated every time it crashes since the file modification date is different on revit journal and dynamo log. but this is the latest generated dynamo log and should be from a crash:
dynamoLog_0e2d3a21-89c5-4deb-b886-73158a5865b8.txt (3.2 KB)

EDIT: Not modification date - modification time. Date is the same

Date aligns in the journal and log, but the times don’t appear to so we don’t have the same one.

The log indicates you started this session at 11:47 zulu time. The journal indicates 15:04 local time. So likely 40+ minutes ago. We can see however that there this Dynamo session started, but was unable to complete the start up.

Try renaming the folder %appdata%/Dynamo/Dynamo Revit/2.13 to %appdata%/Dynamo/Dynamo Revit/2.13a, which will reset all your Dynamo settings. Then try the test once more. If that fails then grab the new log and Revit journal, and we can rule out a Dynamo thing. At that point best bet is to submit a support ticket via the accounts portal at manage.autodesk.com for advanced troubleshooting.

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dynamoLog_291f8df3-5daa-4f4e-92af-6c7bb2e309d7.txt (1.3 KB)
Issue persists. New dynamo log. Will open a new ticket and link this conversation

While I was waiting on reply from support it fixed itself somehow. I am fairly certain the solution is to:

  • Remove packages from package folder
  • Rename the version folder to reset the version as described here
  • Restart PC

Thanks for help and I hope this is useful for anyone having the same problem!

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