Dynamo Sheet creation from excel -Done

Hi Forum,

I just successfully created my script to generate sheets based on an excel file and i wanted to share.
In this particular case i need to produce 60+ sheets and i am absolutely sure if i would do it by hand there would be some mistakes.
So feel free to use/modify it.

I still get a warning ( see snapshot) that i do not understand.

I would love to get some feedback, what i could do better or how i could shorten this thing, i’m pretty new to dynamoCreateSheets.xlsx (10.5 KB)
CreateViewsAndSheets_BT100 200.dyn (137.3 KB)

thanks in advance,

It tells you that the title block family type cannot be null and needs a family type input in for it to work, so you may need to look at changing the lacing of the sheet.bynamenumbertitleblockandviews then it should work.

Have a look at the one i have created which can be found from this link: Creating sheets in Revit from Excel

Hi @Brendan_Cassidy,

thanks for your answer. I will check if i get it to work.

i have another question though:

the the TitleBlock has parameters that i would like to change but i do not get the titleBlock of the corresponding sheet. if i get this to work i could setup everything inside the Excel without having to fll some data manually.

any advice?

thanks in advance